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Get Battle Master Bundle in Free Fire

This week Garena is returning several bundles from the “Redemption Free Fire event” to the Indian server, in the next few days the package called Tyson and Battle Master will…

Get Trap Male and Female Bundle in Free Fire

Garena will bring the new TRAP-themed packages to the Indian server, the skins will arrive through the Token Royale event. Today, July 12, 2023, we will detail the information. Read…

Get Sovereign Fist in Free Fire

In the next few days, Garena will bring back the Sovereign fist to the game. The skin was released during the 4th Free Fire anniversary. Today, June 16, 2023, we…

Get Rare Xodó Bundle in Free Fire

In the next few days, Garena will bring new customization to the game. The skin is called Xodó. Today, June 14, 2023, we will detail the information about the date,…

Get Rare Angelical Gloo Wall in Free Fire

Garena should launch the new Angelical items on several servers in the next few days. After the release of Green Angelic Pants, the company will bring other items inspired by…

Get New Rosinha Bagpack in Free Fire

Next week, Garena will celebrate Valentine’s Day with several events on Free Fire. The company will launch a special edition of the “Incubator Window” event. The event contains a backpack…

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