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Free Fire Character skills Will Get Massive Change after update

Hey survivors, During the Update of free fire this week you will see the changes of skills in characters of free fire. garena recently confirmed to our website that they…

Halloween, Booyah Day and more: new Free Fire events in 2022

In less than 1 week the Free Fire anniversary event will end , to celebrate its success, Garena has released a new video highlighting the main news that occurred and what the next major events will…


The custom room card is one of the items of great popularity in the community, during the month of September users will be able to collect it for free and limited, this Tuesday, September 06,…

New Pet Dog Lupino In Free Fire:- ability

The Advanced FF Server APKis now available on the Indian server, Advance Server contains the main news of the next update, such as the new Free Fire pet called Lupino , in this post we will detail…

New Diamond Royale Bundle In Free Fire

In the next few weeks, Garena will launch the new Free Fire Diamond Royale on the Indian server , it is expected that a pack for female characters will be added to it, this September 19,…

Criminal bundle return event free fire jornal

After 4 years , Top Criminal Free Fire will return for the first time on the Indian server and in several regions, recently the Green Top Criminal returned to the Indian server, however, it is not…

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