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Register for Free Fire Advanced Server | Full details

Garena opened registrations for the new Free Fire Advanced Server of 2024 this Tuesday, December 26. The Advance Server will bring the news of the next update to the game…

Free Fire Max Advanced Server March 2023: release date, registration and download news

The Free Fire Max Advanced Server is advance news of the next Battle Royale update. The new version of Free Fire Max Advance Server will be launched in March and…

3 Best Multiplayer Games for Android/iOS in 2023

Multiplayer shooters such as PUBG Mobile and Fortnite make it clear that iOS and Android can offer the same intense experiences as PC. Android gaming has been on the rise, with devices featuring heavy-duty…

How to get new Rank rewards: Free Fire Max New Update 2023

Today (Wednesday, January 11, 2023) Garena launched the OB38 version of the game through the Free Fire Max update, maintenance has already ended and brought several new in-game items, including…

Free Fire Advanced Server July 2021 Download: APK 66.17.0

In this Tuesday (20) starts the countdown to the download Advanced Server Free Fire in July 2021 , the APK Advance Server FF in version 66.17.0 will be officially launched on Thursday (22) after the 04h ( Indian time ), it will anticipate the news of the…

Cosmic Race and One for All: New Game Modes

If you, like me, are a fan of the Death Race mode , we have good news for you, in the new version of the Advanced Server , we will have a new race mode,…

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