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Cosmic Race and One for All: New Game Modes

If you, like me, are a fan of the Death Race mode , we have good news for you, in the new version of the Advanced Server , we will have a new race mode, the Cosmic Race .


The new mode can be a version 2.0 of the old Death Race mode , or it can be something totally different and the new one.

The information regarding this unprecedented mode was taken from the missions of the new Advanced Server OB25 , and apart from the name of the mode, not many details.

Starting tomorrow ( 11/26 ) players approved on the Advanced Server , will be able to test the new mode and complete missions that will give diamonds:


Another new mode also arrives in this new version of the advanced , it will be the One for All mode .

Not much information has been found about this second mode, it may be something new or it may look like the All For One mode in the LOL game .

In LOL , the mode consists of choosing a character (through voting), which will be used by all players.


The Death Race was a way that mysteriously disappeared from the game and did not return more. DUO is played and only vehicles are used in the match, while 1 player drives the vehicle, the other shoots enemies.

Both of the two new modes mentioned above, are confirmed to arrive on the Free Fire Advanced Server , and it seems that it will also arrive in the new OB25 update of December.

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