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Exam papers are being leaked on the Dark Web

The world of the internet is like an ocean. There are many secrets beyond the common user’s understanding. What we see online is only a small part of the Internet.…

Tech Leaders on Limiting Screen Time for Their Children

In the digital age, gadgets and devices are everywhere. As people rely more on devices, concerns about screen time are growing. Even the leaders of major tech companies struggle with…

China Steps into the Future with 6G Networks

The global race toward advanced mobile networks is rapidly evolving. 5G mobile networks are expanding in various countries of the world including India. 5G is spreading, and now there’s talk…

Special wine made from snakes | Viral news

Japan is well-known for its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine. Among the unique and adventurous drinks in the country, one gaining attention is Habushu, a special snake whiskey…

Tesla robots are taking over the world | Big breaking news

We are slowly moving towards a world dominated by technology, with man-made robots taking on various tasks such as medicine and social services. Recently, Many technology experts around the world…

India is set to host Football World Cup 2034

One year has passed since the last World Cup. The last World Cup was held in Qatar last year. Argentina beat France to win the title in a thrilling final…

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