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Temporary Bermuda 2.0 map and new Free Fire Brabuino pet in the game

The countdown to the arrival of 2021 has started with many news on Free Fire , and now you all can play on the new Bermuda 2.0 map , however, it is expected to stay in the game temporarily , in addition there will also be the launch of the pet Brabuino . all of this sudden happening because of the in game bugs that may occurs in the new map 2.0.

According to information gathered by our site Free Fire Club the Bermuda 2.0 will be available for a limited time on the servers Garena , this means that after a certain period the company should remove the map to correct any bugs , then it will return to the game.

The remastered Bermuda contains 4 new locations , while other areas of the map already known to players will be completely redesigned.

Users must download Bermuda Free Fire 2.0 through the download center in the APK itself , it is worth remembering that it will only be possible to play on the new map after January 1, 2021 .

The Bermuda Fire Free 2.0 will be available in the Users ranked mode of the game, players can use the new map to patent climb and reach the master.


In January, the Free Fire Brabuino pet will be launched in India and other regions, it was previously tested on the Advanced Server APK .

The  ability of the new pet Free Fire Brabuino  is called “ Launching the Braba ”, according to the description of the game itself, players will have  increased launch distance  for items such as the gel wall.

By using the  Brabuino’s ability in Free Fire  the user will be able to place the  gel  for example at a  much greater distance  than is already possible.

Remember that this ability will also work with other items in the game that have the option  of previewing distance , such as  flash ,  smoke  and more.

See the percentage that will increase in distance at each level ( if there are no changes ):

  • Level 1 : distance increased by 10%
  • Level 2 : distance increased by 20%
  • Level 3 : distance increased by 30%
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