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These mistakes can leak private videos, photos and data

Whatever a girl did in Chandigarh University of Punjab, she is in the headlines today. Of course, the fault lies with the girl and her boyfriend in this entire incident. But this is not the first time nor the last. Be it the case of former CM and Congress leader ND Tiwari or the leaked case involving Anara Gupta and all the MMS scandals. Sometimes the mistake is made by itself and the same becomes the reason for the leak of private data, videos or photos.

Actually, smart phone is the root of many evils, but it is also true that it cannot be lived without it. Now it is up to the user whether he is using it for good or for evil.

By the way, the question comes in the mind of many people that how private data, photos or videos get leaked. Did the accused girl of Chandigarh University leak the MMS herself or did it happen due to some special reason.

Actually, users of smart phones must also be using Google Play Store. They knowingly or unknowingly download many such apps in their mobile phones, which gives them cash back or any other kind of lure.

Many times people are careful in downloading and deny access, but some people are in a hurry and this proves to be their negligence. As soon as the access is OK, the app company gets access to your videos, photos and data.

Apart from this, you keep a lot of private things in your phone, that is fine as long as you are using it, but when you sell the phone without thinking and without preparation, then it creates trouble for you. take.

As soon as you sell the phone, your data, photos and videos also go to that phone buyer and then your private thing now becomes his property and he can use it however he wants.

Many times you start saving your documents, photos, videos and other data in cloud box, g-mail and drop box. These places are also not safe. Your system is hacked and this access is then passed on to the hacker.

For this it is necessary to change the password from time to time and keep the password very specific, which only you can understand and no one else at all. If you can’t remember the password, write it down in a safe place or just memorize it.

One thing and never share your password with anyone. Even if you have to tell someone under great compulsion, then change it immediately after using it, so that its access is lost.

Always clear the cache of your device. Keep using antivirus. Keep updating every app from time to time. Keep changing the password and most importantly keep clearing the history of your laptop and mobile from time to time. Hopefully by doing this private things will remain private, not public.

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