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Viral Video – Groom and sister-in-law kiss at wedding, bride gets FURIOUS

Marriages have different rituals in every corner of the country, which entertain people a lot. The atmosphere in the house where the marriage is taking place is different. There’s a lot of fun between in- laws.

Now, a video related to a sister-in-law and brother-in-law has surfaced on social media, which has gone viral. They seem to perform some rituals with the groom in which they are seen trying to feed some sweets to the groom. However, the girl slips and the groom kisses her by mistake. Following this, everyone present at the wedding starts laughing. But the bride does not like it and is seen a bit uncomfortable with it.

The groom himself could not control his laughter as soon as the sister-in-law was sitting kissing the groom in the midst of feeding sweets. This unique video related to marriage is becoming increasingly viral on every platform of social media.

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