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Who is reading your Whatsapp messages, find out with these tricks

WhatsApp is being used for more than 15 years. Many new features related to this keep coming out. Its parent company Meta has recently claimed to be working on five new features and they will be introduced in the market soon. It is believed that these features can be given to the people as a Diwali gift from the company.

Not only this, the company had introduced another fun feature a few weeks ago, in which the linked device option was. Under this, any user can link up to four devices simultaneously and the interesting thing is that you do not need to keep your phone connected for this. However, these features are also somewhat dangerous. In this, this linked device feature is also included. One problem with this feature is that if someone is reading your WhatsApp message, you will not even be aware of it.

Even someone without your knowledge will read the message from the link device
WhatsApp gets linked from another device in no time. If you leave your mobile phone with someone unlocked for a while, then that person may have linked your WhatsApp to one of their devices and you will not even be aware of it.

After this he will be able to read your WhatsApp messages in no time. Yet where there is a will there is a matter of type type here too. If you want, you can know that there is someone else who has access to your WhatsApp messages and that person is reading all your messages.

How to know who has linked your device with your phone
If you want to find out who is reading your messages, then for this, open WhatsApp message on your mobile. Here you go to the linked device. Here you will find the information of the devices to which your phone is currently connected. Here you see a device that you do not know, then log out of it. That’s it, your WhatsApp message will stop showing on that device and you will be free from leaking your chats.

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