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YouTube will show more than 2 ads, why will users be shocked

YouTube, a video streaming platform owned by the giant tech company Google, is considered to be the most popular among the common people. Due to this the company also generates a huge revenue. At the same time, the company also earns big money from advertisements appearing on YouTube.

This earnings of YouTube is going to be a problem for the common people because on YouTube, where earlier people used to see hardly one or two ads, now they can see more than 2 ads. At the same time, their maximum number can be up to 5, which is a big blow for the users.

Actually, some users of YouTube on microblogging site Twitter have told that they are seeing 5 ads one after the other on YouTube. These ads are visible to free users. After this, people suspected that YouTube may have been quietly testing the new ad policy without giving any information.

The special thing is that the complaining users are few, which shows that it is still in the testing stage but it is a setback for the users.

Users had complained
In this case, a Twitter user wrote in his complaint tagging the official Twitter handle of YouTube, “So @YouTube two ads were not enough that now you want to run five ads which no one cares and I can’t skip. ” At the same time, another user has also complained about YouTube showing five ads.

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