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Will you have to pay money for WhatsApp calling? know what is the matter

Telecom companies have told TRAI on several occasions that messaging apps should also pay licensee fees to offer internet calling.

Almost everyone uses WhatsApp Calling. But imagine what if you have to pay for it. Yes, soon users may have to pay extra charge for internet calling.

According to reports, telecom companies have told TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) on several occasions that messaging apps should also pay licensee fees to offer internet calling. Apart from this, it should be bound to comply with the rules, quality of service and other standards as well.

Let us tell you that the Department of Telecom has sought suggestions from TRAI on this. If reports are to be believed, TRAI has not yet prepared any framework, but if any rule comes, then in the end the consumers may have to pay for it.

At present, users only pay the standard charge for the Internet, but the new rules may increase the problems of the customers.

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