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Bald Head Bundle And New One Punch man Gloo Wall

A new customization for the gloo wall will be released on Free Fire in the coming days, the skin is part of the partnership between Garena and the anime One Punch Man , learn more information and see the details of the item.

The new gloo wall is called “ Careca de Capa ” and has Saitama printed on the item, the superhero with the cover appears with the same features of the anime.

In India the skin of the gloo wall has not yet gained a release date, in other regions customization is available directly in the game store for 399 Free Fire diamonds .


Next  Saturday, January 16, 2021,  the web-event called “ Caminho do Heroi” will be launched on the Indian server , where users must complete  daily missions to receive tokens, then exchange them for free items on  Free Fire .

Among the rewards will be the “ Saitama shirt ”, in addition there will be  boxes with up to 3 levels of awards .

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