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Entire Human Civilization to be wiped out

Artificial Intelligence (AI) are programmed to think, learn and solve problems like humans. AI has been working in many fields since its launch. Healthcare, finance, transportation, education, entertainment and many more are part of AI. It has the potential to revolutionize industries and create new opportunities.

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Artificial intelligence is increasing on the other hand human intelligence is decreasing. Which has left the researchers in a state of worry. It is known that artificial intelligence or AI is being improved almost every month. But, on the other hand, the IQ level of people has started to decrease. The size of the human brain is gradually getting smaller.

Scientists have analyzed and shown that people’s eating habits have changed and this has a serious impact on the human brain. Professor Michael Crawford of Britain’s Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition has warned that the way the number of grey cells in the human brain has decreased over the past 50 years could wipe out the entire human race. He blames the crisis on the habit of not eating enough oily fish.

There is strong evidence that not only does IQ decline, but the brain shrinks. This is a matter of concern. Because mankind is on the wrong path. Mothers need to consume omega-3-rich marine fish for a long period before breastfeeding. Because the brain of children develops only through breastfeeding. Omega-3 is one of the most important components of the human brain. Scientists say, lately people have almost forgotten to eat sea fish. But it is very important.

Professor Crawford reminds us that the story of Homo sapiens is not just about the growth of its body. Homo sapiens is distinguished by its enlarged brain. He said that nutrition is very important for brain growth. Homo sapiens, the human body, is now facing a crisis due to a lack of proper nutrition. Explaining Professor Crawford, the average size of the human brain today has shrunk by about 17 per cent compared to the brains of its ancestors. The future of our children and their children is at great risk.

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