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Now it’s official, Garena confirmed the Free Fire update from December 2020 to the beginning of next week, the OB25 version will bring to the game APK several new features already tested on the Free Fire Advanced Server .

The Free Fire update will take place on Monday, December 7, 2020 and no longer between 08 and 09, the community based itself on these dates due to the remaining time of Ouro Royale .

At the beginning of the next Free Fire update , Garena’s newest partnership will be made official , and there will also be a free prize inspired by this collaboration.

Regarding the exact times for the beginning and end of the December / 2020 Free Fire update, the company will be releasing soon, as soon as possible we will update this article with the information.


So that you can follow what will change and also what  Garena will  update on Free Fire  we have put together a list with the main news, check below:

  • New “mysterious” character : his ability is able to create a force field that works as a shield.
  • New character Elza : your ability is able to disable active advantages in the game for a certain period;
  • New Free Fire Brabuino pet : your skill will give the player the possibility to use items such as the wall of gel, smoke and flash over a greater distance;
  • Game mode “One for All” ;
  • “Cosmic Race” game mode ;
  • New features ;
  • Teleportation portal ;
  • Bermuda 2.0 ;
  • New lobby ;
  • New waiting island ;
  • HUD customization ;

All of these new features have been tested on  the Free Fire Advanced Server APK , some of which will only arrive in the game over the next few weeks.

The new remastered Bermuda map   is expected by the community in the new  December FF update in 2020 , however, the company has yet to comment on the matter.

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