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A possible partnership between soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo and Free Fire may be very close to reaching the game. The information was taken from the new Advanced Server that officially arrives in the coming days, it is already possible to find several signs related to CR7 . Among the numerous items related to CR7 , there is an emote with the name Sii and the description: “ Envy of my movements? “;

We performed a test between the new character CHRONO or CR7 (apparently) and Alok , in order to know which one is the best In our test, we removed all other skills , leaving only the ability of each character , which are these:

CR7 Ability : Creates a force field that blocks 500 damage from enemies. Movement speed increases by 40%. During the skill activation period, allies in the force field receive a 40% speed bonus. Lasts 10s. 40s cooldown.

ALOK’s ability : Creates a 5m aura that increases the speed to move and run by 15% and recovers 5 HP for 10s. It cannot be accumulated. Cooldown in 55s.

In the test it is possible to see the clear difference in speed between the characters, with the CR7 being the fastest.

The CR7 also wins in the question time skill recharge , while the new character is 40s, the Alok is 55s.

In the LIFE item , Alok regains 50 health , while the CR7 manages to prevent the loss of 500 damage.

The negative point of the new character is his shield! Which unfortunately is static and does not accompany it, being different from the golden of Alok , which is centralized to the character, regardless of whether he is standing still or not.

The new character CR7 will undoubtedly enter the goal and be used a lot, beat Alok in terms of SPEED and LIFE , the negative point is his protective shield, which unfortunately is static, leaving a gap for his rival to enter his shield and manage to do him damage.

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