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Get Tanjiro Kamado Bundle in Free Fire

In the next few days, Garena will launch a new bundle called ‘Tanjiro Kamado’ on the Indian server, the customization is part of Free Fire’s collaboration with the anime Demon Slayer. The Tanjiro Kamado bundle will be launched next Saturday, October 7, 2023, at the ‘Tokens Tour’ event, it will be available in India until October 25.

How much does the event cost

1 spin : 9 Free Fire diamonds,
5 spins : 39 Free Fire diamonds,

Spins cost is based on the previous edition, changes may occur. With each spin, users will be able to win the main token or random items that will be sent to the event backpack, which can be exchanged for more free spins.

How the event works

Spin to receive special rewards or tokens. Special tokens can be used to collect the grand prize. Rewards received will be placed in the backpack, except for tokens. Players can select items from the backpack to exchange for more spins. When the event ends, the rewards still in the backpack will be automatically sent to the vault.

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