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How to take screenshot on laptop and personal computer? know here

We all have taken screenshots on our phones at one time or another. Taking a screenshot from a smartphone is certainly very easy. Many times it happens that we are scrolling our phone and we take a screenshot of a good picture, chat or meme whatever we like, and save it in the gallery of our phone.

But at the same time, if you are looking at a picture or meme in Windows PC or laptop and want to take a screenshot of it, then it might not be so easy for you.

Often people click the laptop screen with the phone in this situation. However, you don’t need to do this. You might not know, but taking a screenshot from a computer or laptop is quite easy.

You also have many options available for this, but people are usually not aware of it. So today in this article we are telling you how you can take a screenshot from your laptop or computer-

Take Screenshot with Print Screen

The easiest way to take a screenshot on Windows 10 or Windows 11 is with the Print Screen (PrtScn) key. To capture your entire screen, simply press PrtScn on the top-right side of your keyboard.

In Windows 10, the screenshot will be copied to your clipboard. Now, to save your file, paste the screenshot into any program that allows you to insert the image, such as Microsoft Word or Paint.

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