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New CS Mode Event Permanent Dog Head

As you all have received the new dog head for trail period, this is just to show that something new is going to arrive soon.

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New CS mode event will arrive arrive soon in Indian sever as it has been arrived in brazil server, to earn several incredible rewards just by playing CS mode .

Each of the CS events has a period to be fulfilled, the events of completing matches , cumulative login and bora popcorn will be in the period brazil server time ( 05-09 / 04/20 ), while the Exchanging token Excellency B event will be in the period ( 05-10 / 04/20 ).  

In the event of completing matches the name already speaks for itself, you must complete matches to acquire prizes, if you play 10 matches in CS mode you will win 5 boxes of Warrior Dynasty items , with 20 matches the rabbit backpack and with 30 matches skin of MP40-Best player for 90 days.

In this cumulative login event, you must log in for five days from today to earn rewards, on the first day of login you will receive an airdrop flame card for 24H , on the second day you earn the Blood Moon SCAR for 3 days and on the following days treasure map card for 3 days , Shards of Awakening and five Wild Agent badges.

One of the CS events you have to accumulate Excellence B tokens to exchange for rewards, to get this token you must play in CS mode and complete the missions to collect the Excellence B token .

With this token you can change for this room card , Accessory Catiorro(dog head) , character card lvl 6 , 12x boxes weapon flaming skull , memory fragment Box Steffie and one 24hr bonefire card.

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