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Smartwatch saved a man’s life

Smartwatch saved an American man’s life. A man with type 1 diabetes saved his life thanks to his Apple smartwatch. Josh Furman, a 40-year-old man, was alone in his home. Suddenly, his blood sugar level drops completely and he falls unconscious on the floor and injured his head. Apple’s smartwatch detected his condition and called 911. Although the victim was not in a position to answer.

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After recovering, Furman said, ‘I don’t know how long I was down. Woke up to find my Apple Watch saved my life by calling 911.’ Apple Watch has played a big role in saving his life. The watch automatically detected the person’s accident and then informed the emergency services. The fall detection feature of the Apple watch is a life-saver in this case.

The popularity of the Apple watch is not hidden from anyone. Josh Furman, living in Las Vegas, America, lives alone at home. Apple Watch can’t directly track blood sugar level but it can help save people in deadly situations. Furman was lucky, as he had the Fall Detection feature set to always on, which is not the default for users under 55. Typically, Fall Detection is only on during workouts.

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