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Kalahari Map Removed From Rank Matches in Free Fire

Hey survivors, Hope you got the news that the New kalahari map will be removed from the ranked match said by the officials of garena free fire Indonesia. The Indonesian of…

New Upcoming Faded wheel Event in free fire

Hey Survivors, welcome back again ,The producer package that is part of the Garena x Bodyslam partnership  has an arrival date on most of the servers including Indian server. Like the Mauritian package and the Sunday package , the producer is…

DISCOUNT STORE : The New Event In Free Fire

A new event arrived Before Few days on at least 4 servers in the free fire, this is the new discount store. The new store gives you 30 random options…

New Glowall Skin Happy Shiba Arriving in free fire

The new OB25 update arrived with many new features, and as always, there are new skins that are added to the game. A skin that is giving the talk, is a gel skin,…

Grenade timer, jump higher, and more on OB-24 Free Fire

In three days, the newest Free Fire update, OB-24 , will be applied to the game. This means that we will have new features, changes, balance, skins, and everything that a good update…


There is a shower of new dances, ready to be introduced to Free Fire. I’m talking about 6 emotes, which have even been shown through the Advanced Server. All, or at least…

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