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Tech Leaders on Limiting Screen Time for Their Children

In the digital age, gadgets and devices are everywhere. As people rely more on devices, concerns about screen time are growing. Even the leaders of major tech companies struggle with…

Cooling Your Laptop: Why It’s Important | Tech News

In our tech-focused world, laptops play a crucial role in work, education, and entertainment. These devices are continuously becoming powerful to meet all the demands of modern life. As they…

Revolutionary Uses of Generative AI in Diverse Fields

Generative AI, a type of machine learning, has lots of potential to change how banks and other financial companies work, study data, and talk to customers. In the fast-changing world…

China Steps into the Future with 6G Networks

The global race toward advanced mobile networks is rapidly evolving. 5G mobile networks are expanding in various countries of the world including India. 5G is spreading, and now there’s talk…

Best Smartphones Under 30,000 Rupees in March, 2024

Smartphones have become a crucial part of our daily lives, serving specific needs rather than being a mere hobby. In the global electronics market, there’s a diverse range of handsets…

Smartwatch saved a man’s life

Smartwatch saved an American man’s life. A man with type 1 diabetes saved his life thanks to his Apple smartwatch. Josh Furman, a 40-year-old man, was alone in his home.…

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