The new Angelical Free Fire Pants will be released in a few days on the Brazilian server, the red color customization will be available at the award-winning Magic event , check the values of each attempt, mechanism and among other information. The event Magias Premiadas Free Fire with red Angelic Pants will be launched on Friday (23) , so far Garena has not revealed if the Angelic Pants in blue will also return in the same web-event.
Based on previous editions and if there are no changes , these will be the values of each attempt in the Free Fire Awarded Spells event :
- Simple magic : 40 Free Fire diamonds;
- Complex magic : 240 Free Fire diamonds;
- Stone of Fate : 10 Free Fire diamonds;
In the last edition of Magias Premiadas Free Fire with the Angelic Pants there was a free chance , the company has not yet informed if the same will happen in July.
The biggest tip of the event is to always use the Stone of Destiny before any spin, this way the user can see where the biggest chances are, it costs 10 Free Fire diamonds .
If the user has few Free Fire diamonds in his account, the recommendation is to use the 40 diamond option along with the target stone , so you will have multiple attempts .