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Top 5 Greatest Rivalries in World Football

A derby refers to a rivalry between two football clubs. Football has seen a lot of rivalries develop between clubs during its long history, No other match is given as much importance as the derby. These are more than just football matches.

5. Marseille vs. Lyon

Name: Choc des Olympiques
Location: France
First Match: 23 September 1945
Most Victory: Lyon (42)

4. FC Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund

Name: Der Klassiker
Location: Germany
First Match: October 16, 1965
Most Victory: Bayern (65)

3. Manchester City vs. Manchester United

Name: The Manchester Derby
Location: England
First Match: November 12, 1881
Most Victory: Manchester United (77)

2. Inter Milan vs. AC Milan

Name: Derby della Madonnina
Location: Italy
First Match: January 10, 1909
Most Victory: AC Milan (115)

1. FC Barcelona and Real Madrid

Name: El Clásico
Location: Spain
First Match: May 13, 1902
Most Victory: Barcelona(117)

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