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Weight gaining Diet Chart for Skinny People

If you are taking the help of medicines to gain weight, this can be very risky. You can eat some natural veggies, your weight will start increasing quickly. Healthy weight can be increased by taking care of food and drink. To build a great physique, eat full stomach and a sleep for atleast 8 hours per day.

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There are many tips and tricks available that will help you achieve your goals, but consistency is key regardless of whether you want to gain or lose weight. Your healthy diet should have healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates. Different types of exercises have ability to gain weight and help you in the proper development of the body.

Diet Chart


To gain weight, our elders advise us to eat pure ghee (desi ghee). According to Ayurveda, ghee is the best food for a healthy weight gain.

Meat and Eggs

Meat and eggs are high in protein and help you to grow your muscles.

Peanut Butter

You can eat peanut butter by applying it on bread or you can mix it with milk as well.

Consume dairy products like milk, curd, cheese, and many others. Do weight lifting exercises. Eat starchy vegetables like potatoes.

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