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3 Best World Cup Final Individual Performances

There have been many outstanding performances in World Cup finals throughout history, and opinions on the “best performance” are personal preferences. Here are some notable performances.

Zinedine Zidane

Country: France, Opponent: Brazil, World Cup: 1998

Zidane’s performances in the 1998 World Cup played a vital role in France’s success as they lifted the most honourable trophy on their home soil for the first time ever. His technique, vision, and composure were on full display throughout the tournament. Zidane scored two crucial goals in the final against mighty Brazil, guiding France to a 3-0 victory.

Ronaldo Nazario

Country: Brazil, Opponent: Germany, World Cup: 2002

Ronaldo’s performances in the 2002 World Cup were eye pleasing in Brazil’s triumph. He scored eight goals and won the Golden Boot as the tournament’s top scorer. Ronaldo’s pace, clinical finishing, and ability to performing in the biggest occasion were evident in the final against Germany, where he scored both goals in Brazil’s 2-0 victory.

Diego Maradona

Country: Argentina, Opponent: West Germany, World Cup: 1986

Maradona’s performances throughout the tournament were extra extraordinary. He scored five goals and provided five beautiful assists, displaying incredible dribbling skills, vision, and leadership. His performance in the quarter-final against England, where he scored the “Hand of God” goal and the magnificent solo “Goal of the Century,” is particularly legendary. Maradona’s performance in the 1986 World Cup final showcased his exceptional technique, vision, and ability to dominate a match. It was a display of pure genius and is often regarded as one of the greatest individual performances in World Cup history.

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