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Changes In Crono(CR7) Ability in Free Fire

Through APK Advanced Server to Garena revealed the new changes CR7 in Free Fire , the character will have its nerfed skill , where the duration of the bubble and the recharge time gain changes. Changes to CR7 ‘s ability in Free Fire are related to duration and time and cooldown , just as it did to the character during the month of April in 2021 .

Currently it is necessary to wait 170 seconds to be able to use the character’s ability again, with the new changes this time will change to 180 seconds ( at maximum level ).

The duration time of the CR7 bubble in Free Fire will go from 8 seconds to 7.5 seconds , check below:

  • Agility : 15% ( no changes );
  • Skill duration : 7.5 seconds;
  • Recharge time : 180 seconds;

Character skill information is max level.


It is worth remembering that until now the changes in CR7 are only available in the Advanced Server , if necessary, Garena will be able to make other changes after the maintenance. The  next update of Free Fire  is scheduled to take place between the  27th  or  28th  of  September in 2021 .

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