As already revealed in the previous week, Garena will bring the elite Free Fire pass card with a discount again in February , users will be able to obtain the item directly at the “ Food Truck ” web-event , check out some information about it and among others curiosities. To get the elite pass card for 60 Free Fire diamonds users will have to take the special 90% coupon , during the event there will only be 3 units .
In ” Food Truck ” Free Fire players can get at most one special coupon in each of the three stalls , it is worth remembering that you can not get discount occur in 90% .

To release the special event coupon with the elite pass card, it will be necessary to reach the goal of the tents , users will have to purchase an item in each of them, usually the values are 15/15/15 or 15/45/35 Free Fire diamonds .

The duration of the event is usually 6 to 10 days , it will start this Friday (19) .
The elite pass card will be valid only for the month of February , that is, players will have until the 28th to collect all items from the “ Legend of Fuji ”. The elite pass card is the item most expected by players in this event, however, there will be several skins such as ” Dino Jeans “, tickets , boxes and more.