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New BCCI President Announced

Roger Binny, the highest wicket-taker of India’s first World Cup(1983) winning campaign, was officially elected as the 36th Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday in Mumbai.

Binny replaced former India captain Sourav Ganguly, whose three-year tenure as the board president came to end. Ganguly will now contest for chief of the Cricket Association of Bengal.

The key decisions made in the meeting

1. The following members were elected as the new Office Bearers of the BCCI:
(i) President: Mr. Roger Binny
(ii) Vice President: Mr. Rajeev Shukla
(iii) Secretary: Mr. Jay Shah
(iv) Joint Secretary: Mr. Devajit Saikia
(v) Treasurer:  Mr. Ashish Shelar

2. Two representatives in the Indian Premier League Governing Council were elected:
(i) Mr. Arun Singh Dhumal; and
(ii) Mr. Avishek Dalmiya.

3. The General Body approved to conduct of the Women’s Indian Premier League.

BCCI should field a candidate for the ICC chairman post or support Greg Barclay for a second term. The last date for filing the nominations for the ICC top job is October 20. The ICC Board will meet from November 11-13 in Melbourne. The much-debated exit of Sourav Ganguly from the BCCI has already garnered attention not just in sporting but in the political arena too and it will be interesting to see if the former skipper is considered for the ICC’s top job.

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