The term Angelic Free Fire is one of the community’s favorites, currently there are several items with the theme in the APK, such as Angelic Pants, backpack , gel wall and more, this Wednesday June 08, 2022 we will list the rarest Angelic items. The items mentioned in this article are based on the rarity level ( category ) they are listed in the APK , not necessarily on the frequency at which it usually returns.

Check out the rarest Free Fire Angelic items currently below:
Blue Angelic Pants: the customization in blue color is one of the rarest and most popular items in the APK, the skin usually returns once a year on the Brazilian server;

Angelical banner and avatar : currently only influencers who are part of Garena’s partner program have these items, before the verification seal the banner and avatar were used to identify them.


The last Angelic-themed skin to return on the Brazilian server was the red Angelic Free Fire Pants , customization was available at the “ Awarded Magic ” event during March 2022.