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Criminal Incubator and Angelic Pant to return this Cristmas

Next week Garena will release the latest update of Free Fire in 2021 , the new version will bring the Christmas event among the themes , a good part of the community also awaits the return of…

New Snow Location in free fire:- checkout now

This Wednesday (24) the Garena officially unveiled a new location that will be part of the Free Fire, the unprecedented area has enough snow and it will become a favorite place of users, the novelty should be…

Next Diamond Royale First Look Free Fire

This Friday (19) the Garena confirmed by weekly calendar the skin near Diamond Royale Free Fire in November , the customization that is referred to as ” Scarecrow Gumbo ” will be available from next week. The next Free Fire Diamond Royale will be…

New Pet, yeti in Free Fire: How Skill Works

Through the Advanced Server November to Garena said on Thursday (17) the new pet of Free Fire , the same is termed as ” Yeti ” is inspired by the abominable snowman , understand how to work your skill and more. Yeti Free Fire’s ability called…

Free Fire and Naruto: Could the partnership take place soon?

The most anticipated partnership by the community in Free Fire is with Naruto, this week the subject gained strength again after Fortnite confirmed a collaboration with the anime, where the new questioning from users is about…


This Friday (12) the Garena confirmed by the weekly schedule the launch of new skin legendary called ” Puzzle Skull Gold ” Free Fire , the package is part of the event ” Day BOOYAH 2021 “, know how much it will cost and…

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